In this section of my website you'll find tips to help make restoring your bike a little easier. You see there are several sub headings for. Since this is a dynamic process, I'll add more sections as I go along. Some of these articles I wrote for my employer and others are just ideas I penned when I had time. Eventually, I'd like to be able to take someone though the entire process of a typical motorcycle restoration. I know there are some folks who will disagree with me on how to do things - there always are. But I'm posting what works best for me. In the near future I hope to post articles on disassembly, prep and paint, rebuilding carburetors, electrical tips, wheel tuning, motorcycle maintenance and motorcycle safety (near and dear to my heart since I've been almost killed a few times). If you have any comments (productive I hope), please share them with me. Just follow this link to the Contact page and send me an email.